Ever thought about your Relationship IQ?

Relationships of all kinds require a level of intelligence in order to maintain over time.  Amusement and attraction are only surface connection points that can be easily disconnected. Long-term and meaningful relationships require depth and substance. They will also encounter trials and turmoil. 

When it Comes to Relationships, How Do You...

…verbalize how you feel without offending and shutting down the other individual?

…have healthy and productive conflict?

…know ‘when’ and ‘when not to’ compromise?

…ensure your relationship can stand the test of time?

Gain the intelligence, wisdom, and insight you need in the Kingdom Keys to Breakthrough and Better Relationships Masterclass with Dr. Dana Carson  on September 21st at 8PM (CST), as he enlightens you on:

Gain the intelligence, wisdom, and insight you need in the Kingdom Keys to Breakthrough and Better Relationships Masterclass with Dr. Dana Carson  on September 21st at 8PM (CST), as he enlightens you on:

  • Creating and setting healthy boundaries when it comes to communication
  • Building and not destroying your meaningful relationships
  • Knowing when and how to disagree and when to let things go
  • Learning how and when to resolve instead of dissolving your relationships

Masterclass Host

Dr. Dana Carson has often been called “The Relationship Expert.” Holding eight academic degrees, two of which are a Master of Counseling Guidance and a Doctorate in Christian Psychology, Dr. Carson has extensive training in the areas of theology, behavioral science, and psychology. This training coupled with over 35 years of pastoral leadership and counseling experience has afforded him a unique and invaluable “relationships” skill set.

In addition to this, Dr. Carson has personally experienced many of the phases on the relationship spectrum – single, dating, marriage, divorce, remarriage, and blended family. And his relationship wisdom has been sought from celebrities, to megachurch leaders, down to those whom he oversees in his own ministry. 

Dr. Carson is a devoted husband to First Lady Rachelle Carson, who serves faithfully in ministry with him, and they have been blessed with five children.

This Masterclass will help you develop healthy relationships with your:

Spouse/Dating partner

Children and family members

Employer, employees, and colleagues

Friends and other meaningful relationships

Put an end to existing in unhealthy relationships!

Gain the intelligence, tools, and techniques needed to build healthy and functional long-term relationships by joining the Kingdom Keys to Breakthrough and Better Relationships Masterclass with Dr. Dana Carson on September 21st at 8PM (CST).

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